Distance Problems Worksheet. DISTANCE WORD PROBLEMS WORKSHEET WITH SOLUTIONS. Check out Math Blaster's range of online distance worksheets for kids to make leaning about the concept of distance an enjoyable experience for them.
These word problems help children hone their reading and analytical skills; understand the real-life application of math operations and other math topics. When solving distance problems, explain to students that they will use the formula: rt = d or rate (speed) times time equals distance. The above are great examples of distance rate time problems.
Complementary and supplementary word problems worksheet.
Parenting » Worksheets » Real-life problems: distance, length, and more.
The formula for distance problems is: distance = rate × time or d = r × t. For distance word problems, it is important to remember the formula for speed: Definition: \(Speed = \Large \fracDistanceTime\) We can use this definition to solve different types of problems.. Things to watch out for: Make sure that you change the units when necessary.